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St. Augustine once said, “Angel” is the name of their office, not of their nature.  If you seek the name of their nature, it is “spirit”; if you seek the name of their office, it is “angel”…” With their whole beings the angels are servants and messengers of God (CCC #329).

We at Bosco Boys Home (BBH) Borivali began with the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr Adolph Furtado sdb wherein we prayed for all brothers in Practical Trainee especially to our guardian angel – Cl. Jittin Varghese. In his homily, Dn Romero shed light on the presence of being a Salesian to the mission entrusted by the congregation.

The children at BBH greeted brother with the singing of Happy Feast at Breakfast and was welcomed with greetings from his beloved community. There was a board kept where children wrote his qualities and posted their comments of being gratuitous of his presence to them. Some of them read as: You are Kind, You are Loving, You are Friendly…

In the evening, we had a family circle to felicitate and honour our brother assistant in which the technical boys sang an old melodious hindi remix song to thank brother for his kindness and generosity. Then we had the senior high school boys who read the address as well as composed chains of quotes (Shahiri) dedicated to our dear assistant. Following them we had the working boys who sang a song thanking brother for his presence and support and help. Finally, we had the benjamins (juniors of the high school) whom I call mowgilis of BBH presented the song entitled “mumma ki parchai” (the shadow of mother) from the forthcoming movie “Ella Helicopter” which emphasized that he is their mom and dad – truly their guardian.

On behalf of the community, Bro Michael Codillac sdb had this to say of our Brother Assistant: “Brother has his qualification in Engineering yet so humble that he is with you from morn till night, everyday spends time listening to each of you and teaching some of you. He even sees to your etiquette and hygiene and grooming and daily works. You need to pray for him and thank God for giving you such a Guardian Angel who takes care of you and protects you all.”

Later, Dn Romero thanked Cl. Jittin for not only sharing his expertise, especially in the field of computers and engineering, but more importantly for being a silent and humble, yet efficient hard worker in the community, after the example and model of St Joseph.

The family circle ended with the ‘good night’ by Cl. Jittin who expressed his thankfulness to the community and the children because of which his presence here at BBH would be a “mission impossible” task, and with the help and trust in the Lord, who gives him the strength to be at His service.

Indeed, the community of BBH has been blest with a guardian angel in the form of Cl. Jittin. His good example and hard work will enable many of his fellow companion brothers to follow in his footsteps and be true guardian angels to those entrusted to their care.

Truly, we can say that Cl. Jittin is a servant and messenger of God.


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