St. Augustine once said, “Angel” is the name
of their office, not of their nature. If you seek the name of their
nature, it is “spirit”; if you seek the name of their office, it is “angel”…”
With their whole beings the angels are servants and messengers of God (CCC
We at Bosco Boys Home (BBH) Borivali began
with the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr Adolph Furtado sdb wherein we prayed
for all brothers in Practical Trainee especially to our guardian angel – Cl.
Jittin Varghese. In his homily, Dn Romero shed light on the presence of being a
Salesian to the mission entrusted by the congregation.
The children at BBH greeted brother with the
singing of Happy Feast at Breakfast and was welcomed with greetings from his
beloved community. There was a board kept where children wrote his qualities and
posted their comments of being gratuitous of his presence to them. Some of them
read as: You are Kind, You are Loving, You are Friendly…
Later, Dn Romero thanked Cl. Jittin for not
only sharing his expertise, especially in the field of computers and
engineering, but more importantly for being a silent and humble, yet efficient hard
worker in the community, after the example and model of St Joseph.
The family circle ended with the ‘good night’
by Cl. Jittin who expressed his thankfulness to the community and the children
because of which his presence here at BBH would be a “mission impossible” task,
and with the help and trust in the Lord, who gives him the strength to be at
His service.
Indeed, the community of BBH has been blest
with a guardian angel in the form of Cl. Jittin. His good example and hard work
will enable many of his fellow companion brothers to follow in his footsteps
and be true guardian angels to those entrusted to their care.
Truly, we can say that Cl. Jittin is a servant
and messenger of God.
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